
Boise Hair Salon

All Your Hair Color Questions Answered

Hair color is more than just a beauty trend; it’s a form of self-expression. Whether you want to cover grays, try out the latest color trend, or simply want to enhance your natural hue, understanding the process and what works best for you is important. However, it can also bring up a lot of questions, especially if you’re new to hair color or are considering a dramatic change. That’s why the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE would like to provide you with the following guide to help answer all your hair color questions. It’s our goal to provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions while supporting you every step of the way.

Will Coloring My Hair Damage It?

This is a common concern people often have when coloring their hair. However, with advancements in hair color technology and proper aftercare, coloring your hair can be a safe process. If you’re considering a change from your natural hair color, it’s important to follow the advice of your Boise hair salon stylist and use the products they recommend to keep your healthy and vibrant.

How Do I Choose the Right Color?

Choosing the right color depends on a few factors, such as your skin tone, natural hair color, and maintenance commitment. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance color, consider balayage or ombre. For those willing to commit to more upkeep, a full color change or vivid hues might be up your alley. At unDONE, our Boise hair salon stylists can help you pick a color that you’ll love and fits your personality and lifestyle.

Can I Color My Hair at Home?

While it’s possible to color your hair at home, we highly recommend visiting a professional stylist, especially for significant changes. At unDONE, we can ensure the color is applied evenly, choose the right formula for your hair type, and reduce any potential risks of damage.

How Often Should I Touch Up My Roots?

It depends on the color and technique used, as well as how fast your hair grows. On average, root touch-ups are needed every 4-6 weeks. However, some techniques, like balayage, allow for more time between salon visits.

What Is Balayage?

Balayage is a French coloring technique where color is hand-painted onto the hair to create a natural, graduated effect. It’s perfect for those looking for a low-maintenance style that doesn’t require frequent touch-ups.

Can I Go From Dark to Blonde in One Visit?

While it’s possible, it’s not always recommended as it can be harsh on your hair. The process of going from dark to blonde often requires multiple sessions to ensure your hair remains healthy and to achieve the desired shade. Patience is key!

How Can I Make My Color Last Longer?

To extend the life of your hair color:

  • Use color-safe shampoo and conditioner.
  • Avoid washing your hair with hot water, as it can fade the color faster.
  • Limit the use of heat styling tools.
  • Use a heat protectant when styling.
  • Consider using a color-depositing conditioner to refresh your color between salon visits.

What Should I Do Before Coloring My Hair?

Before your appointment, try not to wash your hair for 24-48 hours. This allows your natural oils to protect your scalp during the coloring process. Also, schedule a consultation with your Boise hair salon stylist to discuss your desired results and address any concerns you might have.

Will Hair Color Fade?

Yes, all hair color fades over time, but how quickly depends on the color, your hair type, and how you care for it. Vibrant and pastel colors tend to fade faster than natural shades. Following the aftercare tips mentioned above can help slow down the fading process.

What If I Don’t Like My Hair Color?

If you’re not thrilled with your hair color, don’t panic. Contact your Boise hair salon stylist as soon as possible. At unDONE, we can make adjustments to get you closer to your desired result. Remember, communication is key to achieving the look you want.

unDONE – A Trusted Boise Hair Salon

At unDONE Salon, we’re here to make your hair color dreams a reality while ensuring your hair stays healthy and beautiful. Whether you’re looking for a subtle change or a complete transformation, our team of experienced professionals is ready to answer all your hair color questions and guide you every step of the way. Schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (208) 287-2010 today.

Boise Hair Salon

10 Daily Habits to Prevent Your Hair Color from Fading

Maintaining vibrant, freshly colored hair can be as much of an art as the coloring process itself. Whether you’ve opted for a bold, new hue or subtle highlights, seeing your color fade can be disappointing. As a trusted Boise hair salon, we understand the investment you make in your hair color. To help you keep that color looking salon-fresh for as long as possible, we’ve compiled a list of 10 daily habits that can significantly slow down the fading process and keep your locks looking luminous.

Use Color-Protecting Shampoo & Conditioner

Invest in high-quality, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner formulated specifically for colored hair. These products are designed to gently cleanse without stripping color from your hair. Sulfates in many standard shampoos contain harsh detergents that can rapidly fade your hair color.

Turn Down the Water Temperature

While a hot shower can be soothing, hot water opens up the hair cuticle, allowing color to wash out more easily. Instead, opt for lukewarm or cool water when washing your hair. This will help keep the cuticle closed, locking in moisture and color.

Wash Your Hair Less Often

Every wash can fade your hair color a little more, so try to reduce the frequency of your hair washes. Aim for 2-3 times a week, and consider using dry shampoo on the days in between to keep your hair looking fresh without stripping away color.

Use a Leave-In Treatment with UV Protection

Just like your skin, your hair needs protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can bleach your color over time. Use a leave-in conditioner or hair treatment that includes UV protection to help shield your hair from the sun and prevent color fading.

Avoid Heat Styling

High temperatures from blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can damage your hair and fade your color. Try to let your hair air dry as often as possible and use heat protectant sprays when you do need to heat style. When possible, use the lowest heat setting.

Stay Away from Chlorine

Chlorine is notorious for its ability to fade hair color and even cause some colors to change hue. Wearing a swimming cap or pre-soaking your hair with clean water before swimming will help create a barrier against the chlorine.

Use a Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment

Colored hair needs moisture to keep it looking shiny and to prevent the color from looking dull. Incorporate a deep conditioning treatment into your weekly hair care routine to nourish your hair and keep your color vibrant.

Seal Your Color with a Salon Glaze

A salon glaze or gloss treatment can work wonders in extending the life of your hair color. These treatments help to seal the color, add shine, and keep your hair looking as vibrant as the day it was dyed. Consider scheduling a glaze treatment at a Boise hair salon a few weeks after your coloring service.

Protect Your Hair from Environmental Stressors

Environmental factors like wind, pollution, and extreme temperatures can degrade your hair color over time. Wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair from the sun and elements, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

Be Mindful of Product Ingredients

Avoid hair products containing alcohol, which can dry out your hair and make your color look dull. Also, be cautious with styling products that claim to add volume or texture, as these can sometimes accelerate color fade. Always opt for products recommended for colored hair.

unDONE – A Trusted Boise Hair Salon

Keeping your hair color vibrant and fresh is all about maintenance and protection. By incorporating these 10 daily habits into your routine, you can extend the life of your hair color and enjoy luminous, healthy-looking locks for longer. At unDONE Salon, we’re here to help you keep your hair looking its best. Schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (208) 287-2010.

Hair Salon in Boise

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Hair Color Based on Your Skin’s Undertone

Choosing a new hair color isn’t as simple as copying a celebrity’s latest look. It’s about creating a balance that highlights your natural beauty. Since your hair frames your face, the wrong color can dim your glow and overshadow your features. That’s why unDONE would like to provide you with the following guide to understanding skin undertones and how to choose the best hair color for you. As a trusted hair salon in Boise, we believe in a tailored approach, ensuring each shade we create is as individual as you are.

Understanding Skin Undertones: The Basics

Before we delve into the palette of colors, it’s important to understand what skin undertones are. Unlike your skin tone, which can change with sun exposure or health conditions, undertones remain consistent and can be categorized as warm, cool, or neutral. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Warm Undertones: Do you tan easily? If so, your skin undertone is likely warm or neutral. Additionally, gold jewelry tends to complement your skin better than silver.
  • Cool Undertones: If you are prone to sunburns, your skin undertone is cool. Additionally, silver jewelry looks stunning on you, and you might find yourself gravitating towards it more than gold.
  • Neutral Undertones: You strike a balance between warm and cool tones and can rock both gold and silver jewelry with ease.

Choosing Your Color: A Guide for Every Undertone

Warm Undertones:

  • Golden Blondes & Rich Browns: Think honey, caramel, and rich chocolate. These shades add a luminous warmth to your complexion and make your features pop.
  • Vibrant Reds: Copper and auburn shades can look stunning and natural on you. They add a fiery contrast that highlights your warmth.

Cool Undertones:

  • Ash Blondes & Cool Browns: Ashy, cool shades complement your undertones beautifully. Think platinum blonde, ash brown, or even a cool-hued brunette.
  • Jewel Tones: Burgundy, cool reds, and even deep purples can look striking and bring out the rosy or bluish undertones in your skin.

Neutral Undertones:

  • Versatile Palette: With neutral undertones, you can swing between warm and cool shades. Soft wheat blondes, rich chocolates, or even eclectic reds can all look harmonious.
  • Balanced Hues: Aim for colors that aren’t too warm or too cool. Neutral browns, muted blondes, and even subtle auburns can look beautiful.

Remember, Consultation is Key

At unDONE Salon, we believe that your hair is your best accessory, and choosing the right color is a form of self-expression. Our skilled stylists are not just experts in color; they’re personalized beauty consultants who listen to your needs, assess your natural undertones, and recommend a color that not only suits your complexion but also reflects your personality.

Before You Dye: Tips to Remember

  • Maintenance: Consider how much time and effort you’re willing to invest in maintaining your new color. Regular visits to our salon in Boise for touch-ups and using color-safe products at home can significantly extend the vibrancy and life of your hair color.
  • Lifestyle: Your job, daily routine, and personal style should influence your choice. Some colors may require more upkeep than others. Remember that bold colors might need more frequent refreshes and can make a statement in professional settings, so choose a shade that harmonizes with your daily life and personality.
  • Health of Hair: Assess the current condition of your hair. If your hair is damaged or overly processed, consider a restorative treatment first. Certain colors and processes, like bleaching, can be harsh, and healthy hair will hold color better and look more vibrant.
  • Realistic Expectations: Understand that the color you desire might not be achievable in one session, especially if you’re making a drastic change. Some shades require a gradual approach to maintain hair health and achieve the right tone. Be patient and trust your stylist’s process.
  • Color Fading: Be aware of color fading and how different shades might change over time. Reds and vibrant tones tend to fade faster, requiring more frequent touch-ups. Using color-protecting shampoos and conditioners, and washing your hair less frequently can help preserve the color.
  • Sun Exposure & Chlorine: Protect your hair from the sun and chlorinated pools, as both can alter your color. Wear hats or use leave-in products with UV protection, and wet your hair and apply conditioner before swimming to help prevent chlorine absorption and discoloration.

Embrace the Change: Your Journey to a New Hue

Choosing a hair color based on your skin undertone isn’t just about looks; it’s about embracing a shade that resonates with your inner beauty. At unDONE, we’re here to guide you through this vibrant journey, ensuring that when you step out of our salon in Boise, you do so with confidence, style, and a color that’s undeniably you.

Ready to find your perfect shade? Book an appointment with us and let’s unveil a color that celebrates you! Whether you’re thinking of a subtle change or a dramatic transformation, our team is excited to embark on this colorful journey with you. Schedule an appointment online or call (208) 287-2010.

Boise Hair Salon

A New Year, A New You: Transforming Your Look at unDONE

2024 isn’t just a  new year; it’s a fresh opportunity to reinvent yourself and embrace a new look. At unDONE, we’re here to help you start the year with confidence and style with a wide range of services that bring out your best. That’s why we’d like to explore ways to refresh your look to help you look and feel amazing for the journey ahead.

Chic Haircuts & Styles

A new haircut is more than just trimming ends; it’s about creating a look that reflects your personality and style. Whether you’re looking to make a bold statement or prefer a subtle look, our Boise hair salon professionals are here to create the perfect style that not only looks great but gives you the confidence you need to achieve your New Year resolutions.

Vibrant Hair Colors

A new hair color can signify a new chapter. Whether you’re thinking of going for a bold new hue, subtle highlights, or a balayage effect, our Boise hair salon professionals are skilled in the latest trends and hair coloring techniques. We also only use the highest quality products that nourish and protect your hair to ensure it remains healthy, vibrant, and beautiful all year long.

Luxurious Hair Extensions

If you’ve been dreaming of longer, fuller hair, hair extensions are the perfect solution. At unDONE, we offer a wide range of high-quality extensions that blend seamlessly with your natural hair, providing you with instant length and volume. As a quick way to change your look, hair extensions are the perfect way to step into the New Year without any long-term commitments.

Eyelash Extensions

Your eyes are the windows to your soul, so why not highlight them with eyelash extensions? As the perfect way to take your look to a whole new level, eyelash extensions offer a customizable solution that will enhance your eyes without the need for time-consuming mascara. Our skilled technicians will help you choose the right length and curl to complement your eyes while ensuring a natural yet stunning look.

Manicures & Pedicures

Give your hands and feet the pampering they deserve after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. A manicure or pedicure treatment at unDONE will not only beautify your hands and feet but will provide you with a relaxing experience that will leave you feeling refreshed. Choose from a wide range of high-quality color and gel options for a strong, durable finish that will carry you into the new year with confidence.

Semi-Permanent Powder Brows

Powder brows are the ultimate low-maintenance beauty hack for looking your best in 2024. Perfect for those who want to enhance their natural brows without makeup, this technique creates a soft, powdered look that’s both elegant and long-lasting. The best part? You won’t have to worry about the daily struggle of smudging or smearing makeup all year long!

unDONE – Your Trusted Boise Hair Salon

At unDONE, our goal is to help you step into the new year feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and more confident than ever with our wide range of services that cater to every beauty need. Book an appointment online or call (208) 287-2010 to make 2024 a year of personal transformation that makes you the best version of yourself.

Boise Hair Salon

Common Concerns About Hair Color: What You Need to Know

Diving into the world of hair color can be as exciting as it is nerve-wracking. At unDONE, many of our clients come to us with a mixture of enthusiasm and concern before taking the plunge into a new hair color. Our Boise hair salon stylists understand these worries and are here to address the most common concerns about hair coloring.

Will Hair Color Damage My Hair?

The number one concern is damage to the hair. While it’s true that some hair color processes can be harsh, the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE only use professional-grade products along with proper techniques to minimize damage. Our expert colorists are trained to select the appropriate products and use protective treatments to maintain the integrity of your hair. We also offer a wide range of aftercare products to help keep your hair healthy, strong, and beautiful.

Can I Achieve the Color I Want?

Many clients wonder if the hair color they desire is achievable. Hair color results can depend on various factors, including your natural color, hair history, and hair type. During your consultation, our Boise hair salon stylists will assess your hair and discuss realistic outcomes. We will work diligently to match your vision as closely as possible while ensuring the health of your hair.

How Much Maintenance is Required?

Maintaining hair color is another concern. Some colors require more upkeep than others. For instance, vibrant colors may fade faster, and root regrowth is more noticeable with certain shades. At unDONE, we’ll provide you with a personalized maintenance plan, including how often you should return for touch-ups and what products to use at home to prolong your color.

Will Coloring My Hair Lead to Thinning or Hair Loss?

The fear of hair thinning or loss after coloring is also a concern we hear. Hair coloring, when done by professionals, should not cause hair to thin or fall out. At unDONE, we ensure the products we use are of the highest quality and are applied with care to prevent such issues.

Can I Color My Hair at Home?

Many clients consider DIY coloring due to its convenience or cost. However, DIY hair color can lead to unpredictable results and potential damage. At unDONE, our professional colorists have the expertise to mix and apply color in a way that is tailored to your hair’s specific needs. We advise against home coloring, especially for complex changes like going from dark to light shades, as this often requires a skilled hand.

What About Allergic Reactions?

Allergic reactions are another valid concern. That’s why our Boise hair salon stylists conduct a patch test before applying color, especially if you have a history of allergies. This simple test can prevent an adverse reaction and is a standard part of our coloring process.

unDONE – A Trusted Boise Hair Salon

At unDONE, we’re committed to providing you with a comfortable and satisfying hair coloring experience. That’s why we recommend booking a free consultation with any of our Boise hair salon stylists to thoroughly examine your hair type, texture, and current color to help formulate the perfect color for you. We will also address any questions or concerns that you may have to ensure you leave our salon feeling fabulous. Book your appointment online or call (208) 287-2010, and let’s create the perfect hair color for you!

Boise Hair Salon

Five Main Factors That Affect the Hair Color Process

When it comes to hair color, achieving the perfect shade can be both an art and a science. That’s why it’s important to understand the various factors that can affect the hair coloring process. Whether you’re a first-time visitor to our salon or a long-term client, the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE would like to provide you with the following guide to help you make informed decisions about your hair color to ensure you walk out of our salon with the stunning, personalized results you deserve.

Natural Hair Color

Your natural hair color serves as the starting point for your hair transformation. The darker your natural hair color, the more effort and time it may take to achieve lighter shades. On the other hand, if you have light hair, it may be easier to achieve a broader range of colors. Our experienced stylists at unDONE will assess your natural hair color to determine the best approach for your desired look.

Hair Texture & Porosity

Hair texture and porosity play a significant role in how hair color is absorbed and retained. Fine hair tends to absorb color more quickly than coarse hair, while porous hair can soak up color rapidly, sometimes resulting in a darker outcome than expected. Our stylists consider your hair’s unique texture and porosity to select the right coloring technique and products, ensuring consistent and beautiful results.

Previous Hair Treatments

If you’ve previously treated your hair with chemicals, such as bleach or relaxers, it can affect the hair coloring process. Bleached or damaged hair may require special care to prevent further harm during the coloring process. Our stylists at unDONE will assess your hair’s condition and recommend appropriate treatments to maintain its health and integrity.

Desired Hair Color

The specific hair color you desire can also impact the coloring process. Achieving a dramatic color change, especially from dark to light, may require multiple sessions to avoid excessive damage to your hair. Additionally, some colors, like pastels and vibrant fashion shades, may necessitate pre-lightening, which can be a more complex process. At unDONE, our Boise hair salon stylists will work closely with you to develop a realistic timeline and plan to achieve your hair color while keeping your hair’s health a top priority.

Maintenance & Aftercare

Maintaining your hair color’s vibrancy largely depends on your aftercare routine. Using color-safe shampoos and conditioners, minimizing exposure to harsh elements like chlorine and UV rays, and scheduling regular touch-up appointments with our skilled stylists are key to preserving your hair color’s beauty.

unDONE – Your Trusted Boise Hair Salon

Achieving your desired hair color involves the thoughtful consideration of various factors. At unDONE Salon, we’re committed to providing you with personalized color services that take all these factors into account, ensuring stunning results that leave you looking and feeling beautiful. Ready to transform your hair color? Book an appointment online or call (208) 287-2010 to schedule an appointment with our talented team to create the perfect hair color for you!

Boise Hair Salon

Boise Hair Salon Tips for Summer-Proofing Your Hair Color

During the summer months, it’s essential to take extra care of your hair color to ensure it stays vibrant and beautiful despite the sun, chlorine, and other summer elements. That’s why unDONE would like to share the following Boise hair salon tips to help you summer-proof your hair color and keep it looking stunning all season long.

Start with a Solid Foundation

Maintaining your hair color starts even before summer begins. Ensure that you have a solid foundation by getting a professional color service at our Boise hair salon. Our skilled stylists will help you choose the perfect shade and apply it correctly, ensuring longevity and minimizing potential damage.

Shield Your Hair from the Sun

The sun’s UV rays can be damaging to your hair color, causing it to fade and lose its vibrancy. Protect your tresses by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or using a UV-protective spray or leave-in conditioner when spending extended periods in the sun. This will help minimize color fading and keep your locks looking vibrant.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Keeping your hair hydrated is crucial during the summer months. Exposure to the sun, saltwater, and chlorine can leave your hair dry and brittle, leading to faster color fading. Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner specifically formulated for color-treated hair to help retain moisture and prevent damage.

Rinse After Swimming

Chlorine and saltwater can be particularly harsh on hair color. After swimming, make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly with fresh water to remove any residue. This simple step will help prevent chemical buildup and minimize the drying effects of chlorine, ensuring your hair color stays vibrant.

Avoid Excessive Heat Styling

Excessive heat styling, such as blow-drying and using hot tools, can strip away moisture from your hair, leaving it prone to color fading. Embrace your natural texture during the summer and limit heat styling whenever possible. If you do need to use heat tools, make sure to apply a heat protectant spray to shield your color-treated locks.

Deep Conditioning Treatments

Integrate deep conditioning treatments into your hair care routine to nourish and restore moisture to your color-treated hair. Opt for weekly or bi-weekly treatments to keep your locks hydrated and vibrant throughout the summer. Our Boise hair salon offers a range of professional deep conditioning treatments tailored to color-treated hair, so be sure to ask our stylists for recommendations.

Minimize Washing

Frequent washing can strip away the natural oils that protect your hair and help preserve color. During the summer, consider reducing the frequency of your hair washes to maintain color longevity. If you have an oily scalp, use a dry shampoo in between washes to refresh your hair without compromising its color.

Schedule Regular Boise Hair Salon Visits

Lastly, make it a priority to schedule regular visits to our Boise hair salon for touch-ups and maintenance. Our professional stylists can assess your hair color, make any necessary adjustments, and provide specialized treatments to keep your hair looking fresh and vibrant all summer long.

unDONE Salon

By following these essential tips for summer-proofing your hair color, you can enjoy vibrant, luscious locks throughout the sunny season. Remember, proper care and maintenance, along with professional expertise, are key to preserving your hair color’s longevity. Let’s make this summer your most colorful one yet! Schedule an appointment online or give our Boise hair salon a call at (208) 287-2010 today!

Boise Hair Salon

A Boise Hair Salon Guide to Ombré and Balayage Hair Color

Ombré and balayage are two popular hair coloring techniques that create beautiful, natural-looking results. Both methods involve painting highlights onto the hair, but there is a very notable difference between them. That’s why the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE would like to discuss what exactly sets ombré and balayage apart from each other so you can make an informed decision about which method is best for you.

What is Ombré?

Ombré is a hair coloring technique that typically involves graduating shades of color from darker to lighter. It’s usually done in two steps: the “base” color, which is usually a darker shade and applied closer to the roots, then gradually fading into a lighter shade towards the ends.

Ombré can be used for an array of looks, such as subtle highlights or dramatic, vibrant colors; it all depends on your preferences. Ombré hair will generally last 2-3 months with proper care and maintenance.

What is Balayage?

Balayage is another popular hair coloring technique that creates more natural-looking highlights than ombré. The process involves hand-painting sections of the hair with a highlighting product, starting at the roots and gradually fading out towards the ends.

Unlike ombré, balayage highlights can be placed in any area of the hair you wish to lighten up without having to worry about creating an even blend of color. The result is sun-kissed, natural-looking highlights which tend to last longer than ombré due to their placement.

How Are Both Methods Similar?

Although ombré and balayage are two different techniques, they do share some similarities. Both methods require skill to be executed correctly and provide a natural-looking result. They also share the same products – namely highlighting cream or powder – which is applied to the hair in order to achieve the desired look. Moreover, both methods will require regular touch-ups for maintenance as your hair grows out.

Ultimately, it comes down to preference when choosing between ombré and balayage; if you’re looking for a more subtle effect with less upkeep, ombré may be better suited for you, whereas if you’d like something more dramatic yet still natural-looking, then balayage is the way to go.

How Are Both Methods Different?

The biggest difference between the two methods is that ombré involves a more uniform application of color, whereas balayage features more free-form, hand-painted highlights. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, ombré typically lasts 2-3 months, while balayage can last up to 6 months before needing a touch-up.

Ultimately, it’s important to consider all these factors when deciding which method is best for you. Whichever option you decide to go with, be sure to find an experienced colorist who will be able to give you the look you desire.

When Shouldn’t You Choose Ombré?

Ombré is usually not recommended for those with very dark hair as the contrast may be too stark. Additionally, if you have thin or fine hair, ombré might not be ideal since it can make your locks appear weighed down and dull. Finally, if you’re looking for a more natural-looking color transition, then balayage should be your go-to choice.

When Shouldn’t You Choose Balayage?

Balayage is not suitable for those with very short hair, as the highlights may be too obvious. Additionally, if you’re looking for a more uniform look, then ombré might be better suited for you. Finally, if your hair is already light, balayage may not make much of a difference in terms of coloring; instead, it may just create reflections and add dimension to your existing color.

Don’t Try Either Method Alone

No matter what technique you’re considering, it is important to remember that both ombré and balayage require skill and expertise. It is best to leave the job to the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE, who will be able to provide you with the look you desire without causing any additional damage to your hair.

Schedule an Appointment with unDONE Salon

At unDONE, our experienced team of Boise hair salon stylists is dedicated to providing you with the look you desire. With a variety of hair coloring techniques available, we can help you achieve the perfect ombré or balayage highlights for your locks.

We strive to use only the best products and tools when it comes to styling and coloring in order to ensure that your hair stays healthy and vibrant. Schedule an appointment online or call (208) 287-2010. We look forward to helping you find the perfect hue for your mane.

Boise Hair Salon

Boise Hair Salon Tips: Why Box Dye is Bad for Your Hair

Box dyes and at-home hair dyeing have become increasingly popular with many people are unaware of the risks associated with this practice. Box dye may seem like a convenient and cost-effective alternative to professional coloring, but it can cause significant damage to your hair.

That’s why the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE would like to discuss why box dye is bad for your hair and why you should consider going to the salon for all your color needs.

Box Dyes Don’t Always Produce Desirable Results

One of the main issues with using box dyes is that they don’t always produce the desired results. Even when you follow the instructions exactly, there’s no guarantee that your hair will look as expected.

This can be particularly frustrating if you spend a lot of money on the dye and expect better results.

Additionally, many box dyes contain harsh chemicals which damage hair in the long run, especially when used more than once. Uneven coloring is also common with box dyes, as they sometimes have difficulty penetrating certain sections of hair or blending colors properly.

To ensure quality-looking results, it’s best to leave at-home color treatments to professionals who are experienced in coloring hair.

Box Dye isn’t Great for Every Hair Type

Another issue with box dye is that it can be challenging to get good results on certain hair types. For example, if you have naturally curly or oily hair, the dye might not adhere properly and leave your strands looking patchy or uneven.

This is because the chemicals in the dye often don’t break down curls and coils as well as they do with straight hair. Additionally, people with very thick or fine hair may find it hard to get an even color result when using box dyes.

In these cases, a professional stylist will know how to tailor their techniques for your specific hair type so that you end up with the desired result.

Box Dye Doesn’t Add Hair Dimension

Unlike professional hair coloring, box dye doesn’t provide dimension to your hair. Professional colorists are trained to mix colors, highlights, and lowlights to add subtle layers that make the color look natural and dimensional.

Unfortunately, with box dyes, you don’t get this type of customization. This means that the end result can often be a flat, one-dimensional color that looks unnatural or dull.

Ultimately, if you want a more vibrant and dimensional look for your hair, it pays to leave it up to the professionals who have experience in creating these effects.

Box Dyes Offering Ombre Can Make Your Hair Look Horrible

Next, box dyes offering ombre looks can often produce terrible results. Ombre is a technique that involves gradually lightening the color of your hair from dark to light.

However, this is a difficult effect to recreate at home and there’s no guarantee that it will look good when you use a box dye. If done incorrectly, you could end up with an unnatural-looking result or even cause damage to your hair due to overprocessing.

It’s best to leave any intricate techniques like ombré or balayage up to professional stylists who know how to do them correctly without compromising the health of your hair.

Box Dyes Aren’t Affordable in the Long Run

Finally, box dyes may seem like an affordable solution at first, but they can become costly in the long run.

This is because they don’t last as long as salon color treatments, and you will need to buy a new box every couple of months if you want to maintain your look. Ultimately, this cost can add up over time.

In contrast, professional hair coloring provides more vibrant results that last much longer. This means that you won’t have to keep purchasing dye every few months and you’ll save money in the process.

Schedule an Appointment at unDONE Salon

At unDONE, our Boise hair salon stylists will customize the perfect hair color for you using the highest quality dyes and techniques. We offer a range of services, including balayage, highlights, lowlights, fashion colors, and more.

Our stylists have years of experience in creating beautiful looks that are tailored to each individual client’s needs. Book an appointment online or give us a call at (208) 287-2010 today.


Boise Hair Salon

Boise Hair Salon Tips For Maintaining Your Blonde Hair Color

Blonde hair is a bold, daring, eye-catching style that can turn heads. But if you don’t take proper care of it, your blonde hue could quickly turn into a brassy mess. To avoid this, there are certain things you need to know about maintaining blonde hair so it looks its best. That’s why the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE would like to provide you with the following ways to help keep your color looking fresh, vibrant, and beautiful.

Choose The Right Products

The products you use on your blonde hair can make or break its look. Opt for sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners that won’t strip the color from your strands. You should also look for deep conditioning masks, leave-in treatments, and nourishing oils specifically designed to keep blonde hair healthy and vibrant. Purple shampoo is also a great way to reduce brassiness in blondes since it helps neutralize yellow tones. Use it every few weeks to keep your color looking bright and natural.

Avoid Sun Damage

Sun exposure can damage any hair type, but it’s especially detrimental for colored locks like blondes. Too much sun can cause the pigment in your hair to fade quickly and result in an unnatural, brassy look. To prevent this from happening, wear a hat or scarf when you’re outside for long periods of time. You can also apply a UV-protecting spray to your hair before heading out in the sun for extra protection.

Consider Your Eye Color

Your eye color can also have an impact on the way your blonde hair looks. If you have dark eyes, a darker shade of blonde may look more natural and flattering on you. And if you have light eyes, a lighter shade of blonde could be best for creating a subtle contrast and making them stand out even more. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that everyone’s hair is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different shades until you find one that looks most natural with your eye color and complexion.

Consider Your Skin Tone

Your skin tone can also have a significant effect on the way your blonde hair looks. If you have cool undertones, opt for ashier shades of blonde, like platinum and beige, to create a more natural appearance. And if you have warm undertones, warmer shades such as honey and champagne could be best for complementing your complexion.

In addition to taking into account your eye color and skin tone when picking a shade of blonde, it’s also essential to consider the shape of your face. Certain hues may work better with certain facial features, so experiment until you find one that works best for you.

Watch Out for Brassy Tones

Brassy tones are the bane of any blonde’s existence. They can make your hair look dull and unnatural, so it’s important to keep an eye out for them. To prevent brassiness from happening in the first place, use shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for colored hair and avoid over-washing it.

If you do start noticing some brassy tones appearing in your hair, there are a few things you can do to help get rid of them. Try using a purple shampoo once or twice a week to balance out unwanted yellow tones. You can also mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water together and massage it into your strands before rinsing.

Schedule an Appointment at unDONE Hair Salon

When it comes to maintaining your blonde hair, the Boise hair salon stylists at unDONE will help you find the perfect shade of blonde for your unique look. Whether you’re looking for a subtle change or a dramatic one, we can create something that works perfectly for you. We also offer services such as styling, deep conditioning treatments, and more. Book an appointment online or give us a call at (208) 287-2010.