Boise Hair Salon

unDONE Salon: Summer Skin Care Tips

During the dog days of summer, it’s important to maintain healthy, glowing skin. While the days are long, and the fun is endless, your skin may be less enthusiastic about how it’s being treated in the process. Below are some summer skin care tips from our Boise hair salon esthetician to help you keep up appearances all summer long:

Use Sunscreen.
Sun damage is the #1 cause of sunburns, premature aging, skin discoloration, and more. It’s important to protect your skin by wearing a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher. Make sure to apply it at least 15 minutes before heading outside so your skin has time to properly absorb it. Even if it’s cloudy outside, UVB rays can still penetrate and damage your skin.

Stay Hydrated
It’s important to drink lots of water and stay cool during the sweltering summer months. Not only does drinking water prevent dehydration, it also helps to keep your skin looking healthy and moisturized. Not only that but it can actually help your skin fight unwanted sunburns!

Cool the Burn
The first thing you need to do when fighting an unwanted sunburn it to get the inflammation to go down. Aloe vera is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to sooth and cool the skin. Ibuprofen can also help to reduce swelling and redness. Be sure to drink lots of water since a sunburn will actually draw fluid to the skin surface and away from the rest of the body.

Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells while promoting circulation allowing your skin to breath. However, it’s important to keep in mind that your skin is much more sensitive in the summer due to the effects of the sun. If you tend to spend much of your time outdoors, we suggest reducing your exfoliation routine slightly so that you aren’t increasing your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. For a total body exfoliation, try using a loofah, body scrub or dry body brush on a weekly basis. Doing so will help keep your skin radiant and healthy.

Clear Your Pores
Deep cleaning your skin with a monthly facial will help it to breath and absorb powerful serums. Hot summer temperatures trigger oil production and clog pores, especially when you wear makeup. A monthly facial will help your clear your skin while soothing sensitivity. unDONE Salon offers a variety of facial treatments to choose from that will help keep your pores healthy and your skin radiant!

Creative Commons Image Courtesy of Alexander Yee

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