Fantasy Haircolor At unDONE Salon

Bright, vibrant, fantasy haircolors are all the rage and are in very high demand these days. Thanks to social media channels like Instagram and Pinterest, creative colors like blue, pink, purple, cotton candy, mint green, orange, etc., are being showcased using opal, oil slick, peek-a-boo, mermaid, rainbow, sunset, dip dye, and pastel hair coloring techniques. From soccer moms to CEO’s, the trend is not only growing but becoming increasingly “normal” as people from all different backgrounds choose to express their creative side using fun, vivacious haircolors.

Throughout history, wild haircolors have been used as a way for people to express themselves. With a dynamic rise in popularity, fantasy haircolors have also created a rise in acceptance. During the 1970’s, the punk movement helped separate people from mainstream society with fluorescent hair trends. Following that time during the 1980’s and 90’s, it wasn’t uncommon to see famous celebrities expressing themselves through different haircolor trends while influencing people to stand out from what was considered the “norm”.

Now, in 2017 men and women of all ages are loving the uniqueness of brightly colored hair. Pink and blue are no longer considered punk or any other status quo. In fact, at unDONE Salon, we see more and more clients of every age craving some adventure with their hair.

While not all employers find certain colors appropriate for a work setting, we’ve found ways to customize an exclusive color placement just for you. Why not have the best of both worlds? Our Boise hair salon stylists are trained in color placement and application so we can create a peek-a-boo look that’s only visible when you want it to be.

At unDONE Salon, we can provide you with the creative, and beautiful haircolor you’ve always dreamed about. Not only are our Boise hair salon stylists trained in the very latest haircolor techniques but can recommend the shampoo and hair products to ensure the longevity of your color. Whether you’re looking for vivid haircolor, fantasy haircolor, highlights, ombre, sombre, balayage, flamboyage, or something drastically new, our staff has got you covered! Call us at (208) 287-2010 or book your appointment online!

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for more hair inspiration!

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